June 11, 2020

Burton, welcome on board.


A perfect fit.

We are thrilled and honoured to have Burton as a client and partner starting this summer. Since we were kids, we have been looking up to Burton, craving for the gear before we could even ride properly. Beginning this season, our retail team gets to bring this exciting, innovative brand forward. 

To quote a brand representative, "We agreed on the fact that Pioneers and Burton will fit perfectly." There's no doubt about it - We can hardly wait to treat Burton to some bold and vibrant retail executions all over Europe.

Welcoming yet another brand that lives and breathes its purpose is a significant accomplishment for Pioneers. Burton is as dedicated and as committed as a brand could be - Their infinite passion for sports is only matched by their continuous effort to bring the best to their community of riders. 

We believe Burton is a brand that defies time and manages to successfully keep up with changing times. The way we see it, Burton’s approach overlaps with Pioneers': they're ready for the unknown, striving to improve themselves and their products every day, pushing sustainability in their ideas and in their mission. As for Burton's retail footprint, they champion the fundamentals – Acknowledge and listen to the customers, support the lifestyle they love, do your part in protecting the planet, surprise and delight the community. 

In Pioneers, Burton found a partner that lives and breathes its mission just the same, guiding brands through retail transformation, making retail exciting again. We have no doubt that our team's expertise, energy, and drive, together with our renowned problem-solving ability, hung heavy in the decision making. Moreover, Pioneers' in-house Production Facility, a collective of distinctive and dedicated craftsmen, had been vital in bringing Burton on board.

Last but not least, we indeed share the brand's promise to make things better, be it for the employees or for the planet. The company leads by example in product standards, holding women's equity and empowerment as standard practice throughout all professional levels, reducing carbon emissions, and generating less waste.

We are inspired by Burton's determination and grit. We're humbled by their vision and their leadership, which make both the brand and the sport iconic.

Thank you for choosing us, Burton. Let's ride.
